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GraceinMoonlight Page 5

  Chill, old man. You won’t be able to function if you don’t chill.

  Through sheer force of will, he pushed the doubts to the back of his mind and called his wolf.

  When he stood on four paws instead of two feet, he shook his head and his tail then picked up his leash and trotted over to Grace, where he dropped it at her feet.

  He didn’t know if she realized what he was offering her at that moment. John did, though, which was why he didn’t bend to pick up the collar.

  Grace stared at it for a second before she looked at John, questions in her eyes.

  “He wants you to put it on for him.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she knelt down, picked up the collar and took a few seconds to examine how it worked. She ran her fingers over the embedded tracker and the latch designed to break apart with the right motion.

  Then she looked at him. And he knew she’d figured out what he was offering her.

  She bit her lip before she got onto her knees in front of him and fastened the collar with gentle fingers.

  Each collar was specially made for the wearer and fit perfectly. So she didn’t need to fuss with it or let her fingers smooth his fur around the leather. He let her do it, actually tipped his head to the side so she could scratch his neck for a few stolen seconds before she stood.

  “All right, people.” Kyle waited by the door, his dark gaze taking in everything. “In and out. Fast and clean. Let’s go.”

  Kaisie asked the Blessed Mother Goddess to give them a fucking break and headed for the door on Grace’s heels.


  Grace had assumed it would come down to a scene much like this.

  She just hadn’t imagined it would happen so easily.

  She and the lucani had infiltrated Marrucini’s compound with a minimum of drama. No flashing lights, no screaming alarms.

  They’d snuck onto the property at different entry points, the stranger who’d joined them on the plane working a complicated spell that had weakened both the magical wards surrounding the grounds and the sophisticated alarm system that served as its backup.

  She had no time to wonder who the man was because they were moving.

  The wolves had streaked across the expanse of needle-sharp green blades that passed for grass in Florida, racing for their point of entry.

  The rest of them on two legs had followed as quickly as they could.

  She went as fast as she could, yet still lagged behind everyone except John, Kaine’s mate, who stuck to her side like glue.

  By the time they reached the house, Kyle, now in his skin and dressed, had opened the door that had led them into a mudroom that backed into the kitchen.

  Since it was the middle of the night, the two rooms were empty, as was the hallway outside the kitchen.

  She’d thought, This is just too easy, right before a guard passed the outside door they’d just entered.

  Holding her breath until he’d continued on, after checking to see that the door was locked, she’d tried not to make too much noise as she replaced much-needed air in her lungs.

  John had touched her shoulder, his expression concerned, but she’d shook her head just once and waited for Kyle to give them the go-ahead.

  She, John and Kaine had been assigned to check the first floor, probably because Kyle knew most of the action would probably take place upstairs in the bedrooms. And he didn’t want her in the way.

  She could live with that, as long as Kaisie kept his promise and found her daughter.

  No one had expected Ettore to walk into the kitchen.

  Grace froze at the sight of the man who still managed to give her nightmares after all these years. Ettore looked like any other middle-aged man in baggy jeans and a loose t-shirt.

  But this man was a monster.

  Her heart tripped all over itself as her fight-or-flight mechanism kicked in.

  But she didn’t have time to pick one because John shoved her behind him, so hard she cried out as she hit the floor.

  Her cry was lost in Kaine’s snarl as she leaped for Ettore, aiming for his throat.

  Which he countered by disappearing.

  With nothing to stop her forward momentum, Kaine sailed into the double ovens on the wall then fell to the ground with a painful-sounding yip that had John rushing to her side.

  Leaving Grace to scramble to her feet by herself. She got about halfway up when pain shot through her scalp as someone grabbed her hair.

  Ice coated her veins at his touch. She knew it was him. He’d held her this way too many times for her to scrub the memory from her brain.

  And when she felt the prick of a blade at her throat, she prayed that Kaisie would remember his promise.

  Because she was about to pay for her transgressions.


  Kaisie, now in his skin, and Race, his claws silent on the wood floor, climbed the back staircase to the third floor where they were pretty sure the boy was being held.

  They hadn’t encountered any security of any kind, either magical or electronic and Kaisie couldn’t decide if it was hidden so well, they’d missed it, or if Marrucini was that damn sure of his wards and outdoor security.

  Then he’d wondered if maybe the guy had known they were coming and was drawing them farther into the building before picking them off one by one.

  They’d encountered no security men inside the house and Kaisie just couldn’t wrap his head around that.

  It made him that much more tense as they went deeper into the house.

  “This guy’s a fucking idiot or we’re about to get out asses handed to us.”

  Race apparently agreed. At least that’s what Kaisie assumed Race meant when he shook his head.

  As they reached the top of the stairs, Kaisie finally detected the faint scent he was searching for.

  The boy was up here. Somewhere.

  And so was someone else. A female.

  A nanny? Nurse? Or Grace’s daughter?

  Didn’t matter. They’d sort that out later. First get the boy.

  Signaling for Race to follow him, Kaisie started off across the sitting room that opened at the top of the stairs. Three doors stood on the opposite side of the room and Kaisie followed his nose to the one in the center.

  The boy was through that door. But he wasn’t alone.

  He waited until he had Race’s attention then held up two fingers. When Race nodded, Kaisie started a countdown with his fingers.

  On one, he turned the handle and opened the door.

  Kaisie heard nothing, no change in breathing, no movement. So he stuck his head through the door.

  And caught sight of the gun leveled at his head.

  “You don’t want to come any closer.”

  The female voice was young but steady, as was the gun.

  Kaisie froze, holding his hand behind his back in a fist to stop Race from showing himself.

  He didn’t want to spook the girl and have her blow a hole through him. She might not hit his head but who knew what she could hit.

  Then he held out his hands in front of him, palms up. “We’re not here to harm anyone. We’re just here for the boy. He doesn’t belong here.”

  “Well, you can’t have him, so fuck off.”

  The obscenity, said in that little girl’s voice, drew Kaisie’s eyes away the gun and up to her face.

  And his mouth dropped open.

  The girl had dark hair but no one would mistake her for anyone but Grace’s daughter.

  She had the same dark eyes, the same slashing cheekbones.

  And the same stubborn mouth.

  Behind her on the bed, a boy peeked over her shoulder.

  Kaisie directed his smile at him. “Alex? Hey. I’m Kaisie. I’m Kaine’s dad.”

  The girl’s mouth tightened even more. “You don’t talk to him. And you need to leave. Just back out of the door and don’t come back.”

  “Amy.” Alex lowered his voice to a whisper but Kaisie heard him loud and clear. “I told
you they’d come for me.”

  The girl’s gaze never wavered from Kaisie’s. “I’m not going to say it again. You need to leave.”

  Kaisie shook his head. “I’m not leaving without the boy. But you can come too. If you want.”

  Her eyes widened for a second before they narrowed back down. But in that brief moment, Kaisie saw something he recognized. Kaine had been a teenager not that long ago and he saw some of Kaine’s strength in this girl.

  “Alex, why don’t you come on over here with me? We’ve gotta get going. Your mom’s anxious to see you.” He looked at the girl. “Both of you.”

  The gun shook. “I don’t have a mother.”

  “Yeah, you do. She’s downstairs waiting for us. But we need to go now.”

  “Who says I want to leave?”

  “You told me you’d come with me.” Alex’s voice held a hint of tears and the girl dropped her gaze to look at him. “Please, I wanna go. Please come with me. I don’t like it here.”

  Behind him, Race gave a barely audible whine and Alex’s gaze shot toward the door, a grin curving his lips. “Is Kaine here?”

  “Yes. And John. They’re with your mom.” Kaisie took a step forward, his gaze locked with the girl. “We’re out of time. We’ve got to go.” The girl tracked him with the gun as he stopped directly in front of her. “You coming?”

  Her jaw quivered for a split second before she lowered the gun to her lap. It looked like an ink spot on the innocent white lace of her nightgown.

  Then she slipped off the bed. “Let me get our backpacks.”

  He wanted to say no but girls needed their things. “Hurry.”

  Turning to sit on the bed, he patted his shoulder as the girl ran to the closet in the corner. “Jump on, Alex.”

  The boy threw his arms around Kaisie’s neck and awkwardly wrapped his legs around his waist, as if his legs still weren’t working properly. Kaisie knew the boy had been unable to walk before he’d been kidnapped. Something to worry about later.

  The girl ran to the doorway then skidded to a stop, her eyes wide as she came face-to-face with Race’s wolf.

  “He won’t hurt you. Just stick close to me…”

  “Amalia,” Alex whispered in his ear. “But she likes to be called Amy.”

  “Is he lucani?” Amy looked torn between wonder and fear.

  “Yes. There are more around too, so don’t be surprised if you see them. And don’t shoot them.”

  She nodded, the gun in her hand pointed at the floor. He noticed she handled the weapon like someone who’d been doing it for years. “We need to leave before my—before anyone realizes what’s going on. I hope you’ve got a damn good exit strategy.”

  Kaisie spared her a smile as Race took off for the stairs. “Don’t worry, kid. We’re professionals.”


  “I never expected to see you again, Grace.” Ettore gave her hair a tug so hard, it forced tears into her eyes as the cold steel of a knife pressed against her throat. “I honestly never thought you’d have the courage to do something this…misguided.”

  Grace clamped her lips shut against the panicked cry that rose in her throat. She didn’t want to give Ettore the satisfaction nor did she want to engage him in any kind of conversation. But if he was focused on her then everyone else could focus on getting out of the house. With her children.

  “I guess I should be glad you haven’t been pining away for me.” She straightened, trying to ease his hold on her hair as she watched John take up a defensive position in front of Kaine, who hadn’t moved.

  If he’d hurt Kaisie’s daughter…

  “Don’t think I haven’t been keeping an eye on you, dear.” His warm breath brushed against her hair, making her shiver. “The animals may have gotten their claws into you for a little while but you’ve returned to me now, haven’t you?”

  She’d kill herself before she allowed him to keep her here. But she’d make sure the wolves got out first.

  And with the knife he held at her throat, it would be so easy to twist her head and—

  “I didn’t realize you’d gotten so lax in your old age, Ettore. Or is it simply your arrogance that’s grown? Your security is abysmal. Obviously your standards have plummeted.”

  She cringed inwardly to hear her tone of voice. She didn’t sound like herself. At least, not like the woman she’d become. The woman Kaisie had made love to last night.

  No, she sounded like the creature this man had forced her to be from the age of twenty until he’d thankfully tossed her aside ten years ago.

  He laughed, the sound sending shivers up her spine. She’d always thought his laugh revealed his evil heart. Others thought it was charming. She heard only the sneer and the arrogance.

  “Oh, I think you’ll be surprised how truly effective my security is. We may have allowed your little party to believe they’d entered unnoticed. But don’t think you’ll be leaving as easily.”

  “You’re lying.” Grace could sneer pretty damn well when she wanted to. She’d learned from him, after all. “Don’t you think I learned anything from my so-called marriage to you? You’re slipping.”

  This time, he gave a vicious yank and she couldn’t help the short cry that escaped her lips.

  “Well, well, it looks like you’ve grown a backbone since I threw you away. Too bad it won’t do you any good now. I may have been too hasty about releasing you before but, trust me, I don’t make the same mistake twice.”

  And she refused to live that way again. She’d die first.

  “Now,” he continued, “why don’t you call your merry little band of invaders together before I decide you’re not worth the effort and kill you before my security massacres your friends?”

  He was bluffing. She’d known him long enough to recognize that tone in his voice. But about what? She couldn’t make a mistake, couldn’t risk the lives of her children or the lucani.

  Ettore had power, much more than she did. And he’d perfected the use of it. He could move himself and others from one place to another, as he had when he’d kidnapped Cat, Evie and Alex. But he required a great deal of power and preparation. He needed to charge his magical batteries, so to speak, and usually he did that with sex.

  Which made her realize he probably had another woman stashed away here. Possibly other children.

  “It won’t matter what you do to me.” She had to keep him talking. Kaisie and the others had to have found the children by now. They had to be making their way out of the house. “The lucani don’t care about me. Go ahead. Kill me. But don’t imagine you can use me as a bargaining chip. Trust me, they won’t hesitate to kill me to get to you.”


  Kaisie picked up the conversation from the kitchen as they reached the top of the stairs.

  He stopped, holding up his fist to signal Race and Amy to halt. The girl froze as if she were doing an impression of a statue. Stone silent, as if she’d had practice making herself invisible.

  The only response Alex made was to tighten his arms around Kaisie’s neck. He, too, managed not to make more than the barest breath of sound.

  But even with his enhanced hearing, Kaisie couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying. He only knew he heard Grace and another man’s voice. And Grace didn’t sound like herself.

  What the hell—

  Race’s snout nudged his knee just as Kaisie caught the scent of two men. Close and getting closer.

  Behind them.

  Son of a bitch.

  Kaisie signaled Race to check out the threat coming up on their backs before he stepped into the stairwell. It’d been too easy to get in. It had to have been a trap.

  But the only way out was to go down. Even if they went out a window, Alex would be a liability.

  They encountered no one on the stairs, but Kaisie sensed more movement throughout the house now. As if someone had been lying in wait for them.

  Shit, shit and double shit.

  Where were Kaine and John? Were they hur
t? What the hell was Grace saying?

  He needed to get closer but he had to get the kids out first.

  There had to be another way out.


  The girl’s pale, steady eyes met his.

  “Exits. Second floor.”

  She nodded, pointed down and then to the left.

  Kaisie looked up the stairs. No Race.

  He couldn’t wait for the other soldier. He had to get the kids to the stregone waiting outside to magically transport Alex and Amy back to the den. The stregone was strong enough to take both of them at once but it was a one-way trip.

  Without the kids, though, Kaisie and the others wouldn’t have to worry about them getting hurt.

  He started down the stairs, knowing Amy would follow him. When he reached the second floor, he stuck his head out and saw nothing but an empty hall.

  A tug on his shirt made him look back. Amy was shaking her head, her eyes now wide as she kept turning to look over her shoulder.

  He got the hint. They needed to go now. She must have heard the muted sounds of a struggle on the floor above. Race had apparently found trouble.

  The wolf would have to fend for himself for a few minutes.

  Looking both ways down the hall, Alex’s slight weight still firmly on his back, he reached for Amy’s arm and drew her into his side. He felt her stiffen at the contact but she didn’t push him away.

  She led him halfway down the hall to a closed door that looked like all the others. Opening it, she pulled him inside, as if she knew it would be empty.

  He bit back a curse because he didn’t want to scare the kids but, vaffanculo, anyone could be in here.

  Turns out there was someone here.

  He grabbed for the girl but she got away from him and ran straight for the bed.

  Fucking hell.

  Another girl sat up in the bed, moving slowly, as if from a drugged sleep, her body heavy.


  Pregnant. She was pregnant. His gaze flew to her face and he bit back even worse curses.

  She didn’t look much older than Amy. And at least six months pregnant, if not more.